175 Committee on Transportation, TABLE OF CONTENTS. Operators of vehicles authorized to hold an authorized emergency vehicle permit for use of red signal lights only are exempt from the provisions of this article while the authorized emergency vehicle permit is in force. Whoever violates Section shall be fined not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00); for a second offense fined not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00), or by imprisonment for not less than six days nor more than thirty days, or both; and for a third and each subsequent offense fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by imprisonment for not more than thirty days or both. The identified flood plain area shall consist of the following three specific areas: (1) The Floodway area shall be those areas identified as such in the FIS and as shown on the FIRM. The grass thereon shall be kept trimmed to a height of not more than twelve inches. (b) No employee shall be paid for sick days unless they are taken off as described (c) Any employee who takes a period of sick leave less than or equal to three (3) days, may be required by the Mayor to present to the City Clerk on the day such employee returns to work al'physician's certificate" requiring the employee to be absent from work due to illness or injury and a "physician's back to work release" permitting the employee to safely return to work Replacement, 68 30G Employment Provisions (d) Any employee who takes a period of sick leave exceeding three (3) days shall present to the City Clerk on the day such employee returns to work a "physician's certificate" requiring the employee to be absent from work due to illness or injury and a "physician's back to work release" permitting the employee to safely return to work. maximum lights (see VEHICLE LIGHTS) loads (see VEHICLE LOADS) local streets, use parking (see PARKING) permit, special railroad crossing, moving across safety glass semitrailer defined slow-moving, lights State route, use towing requirements truck defined regulations width, maximum COMMERCIAL DRIVERS criminal offenses definitions 341.O1 employment exemptions operation penalty prohibitions CONFLICT OF INTEREST employee or officer, City Chtr. (WVaC ) Replacement, 198 ARTICLE 505 Animals and Fowl Cruelty to animals Nuisance conditions prohibited Bee keeping restricted Hunting prohibited Keeping of hogs, livestock or fowl prohibited Penalty. (EDITOR'S NOTE: See Section for general Traffic Code penalty.) Alternate road-lighting equipment. (c) The Building Inspector shall cause an accurate account to be kept of all fees collected under the terms of this article, which account shall show the date of collection, by whom paid, the address(es) for which such payment is made and the amount of each such fee. Art Commercial and Heavy Vehicles. (a) No vehicle or combination of vehicles shall be operated on any street or highway unless such vehicle or combination of vehicles is so constructed or loaded as to prevent any of its load from dropping, sifting, leaking. (4) Fill slopes shall be no steeper than one vertical on two horizontal, unless substantiating data justifying steeper slopes are submitted to and approved by the Permit Officer. Such notice shall include a general description of the articles to be purchased or the services sought, shall state where bid blanks and written specifications may be secured and the time and place for opening the bids. Unless the defendant is determined by the court to be indigent, he or she shall be responsible for the cost of said evaluation. (Ord ) REDUCTION OF WORK FORCE BENEFIT; MANNER OF LAY-OFFS; RECALL RIGHTS. No person shall commit petit larceny as defined in West Virginia Code within the City. House trailer courts as defined by state law shall be provided with a master meter or individual meters. 215 GENERAL OFFENSES CODE 24 (b) Whoever violates this section shall, for a first offense, be guilty of a misdemeanor unless the prostitute referred to in this section is a minor. Any other provision of this section notwithstanding, the Clerk-Treasurer if he deems it necessary to insure payment of the tax, may require the return and payment under this section for periods of shorter duration than quarter-year periods. (b) Upon all roadways any vehicle proceeding at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing shall be driven in the right-hand lane then available for traffic, or as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway, except when overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction or when preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway. Art Littering. (a) Any person desiring a permit for a mobile home park shall file an application therefor with the Building Inspector on a form to be furnished by him. Art Minors. 214 - 23 Indecency and Obscenity PANDERING. CODE OF ORDINANCES City of GASTONIA, NORTH CAROLINA Codified through Ordinance No. Authorization for members of ambulance services or any other emergency medical service personnel to operate Class A vehicles shall be designated by their chief official, the Department of Health and Human Resources and the sheriff of the county of residence. The Board shall adopt bylaws to include as a minimum the definition of a quorum to conduct business, the date, time and place for regular meetings, and a procedure for calling special meetings. Any helmet sold or offered for sale for use by operators and passengers of bicycles shall be conspicuously labeled in accordance with the standard described in Section (f), which shall constitute the manufacturer's certification that the helmet conforms to the applicable safety standards. No person shall hunt, kill or attempt to kill any animal or fowl by the use of firearms, bow and arrow, air rifle or any other means within the corporate limits of the Municipality KEEPING OF HOGS, LIVESTOCK OR FOWL PROHIBITED. Extension of Police Jurisdiction. (Ord ) MEMBERS; TERM. Whenever, in the Codified Ordinances or in any ordinance of the Municipality, any act is prohibited or is made or declared to be unlawful or an offense, or whenever the doing of any act is required or the failure to do any act is declared to be unlawful, where no specific penalty is otherwise provided, whoever violates any such provision shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) or imprisoned not more than thirty days, or both. (a) The amount of such tax shall be separately stated by the operator on any bill, statement, invoice or charge made for the occupancy of any hotel room or rooms. (EDITOR'S NOTE: See Section (a) for general Code penalty if no specific penalty is provided.) No person shall drive or move and no owner shall knowingly permit to be driven or moved upon any street or highway any vehicle of a type required to be registered under West Virginia Code Chapter 17-A which is not registered or for which a certificate of title has not been issued or applied for or for which the appropriate fee has not been paid when and as required, except as otherwise permitted by the provisions therein: provided, that in the event of the sale of a vehicle by a person other than a registered dealer, the person purchasing the same may, for a period of not more than ten days, operate such vehicle under the registration of its previous owner and display the registration thereof: provided further that he shall have and display on the demand of any proper officer the consent in writing of such previous owner so to use such registration. If a motor vehicle has a bumper, the bumper must be at least three inches in vertical width, centered on the center line of the motor vehicle and not less than the width of the wheel track distance. "Park" when prohibited, means the standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, otherwise than temporarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading. 7-3: Sec. (g) The Mayor is hereby granted the authority to require payment and performance bonds before entering a contract for the purchase of goods or services in such amounts as he finds reasonably necessary to protect the best interests of the City. Fireworks sale, possession and discharge. (WVaC 17C- 14-9) DRIVING OVER FIRE HOSE. Every school bus, motorcycle, motor-driven cycle and moped shall display lighted head lamps at all times when upon the street or highway. AN ORDINANCE TO RECOGNIZE TRANSPORTATION NETWORK COMPANIES AND TO INCORPORATE THE REGULATION OF SUCH COMPANIES INTO THE CITY TRANSPORTATION CODE; TO PROVIDE FOR THE ISSUANCE OF APPROPRIATE, Alachua County Board of County Commissioners ORDINANCE 07- AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ALACHUA COUNTY, FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 39.4. (WVaC 17C-12-1) STOPS AT DANGEROUS GRADE CROSSINGS. (b) No bicycle shall be used to carry more persons at one time than the number for which it is designed and equipped. $200.00, 306 Hawker and peddler: On foot Vehicle Itinerant vendors $ Junk dealers: Resident junk dealer within City limits Laundromats - car wash: 1-5 devices 6-9 devices 10 or more devices $ OO each Pawn Broker $ Vending machines, merchandise, or service device 1 device 2-5 devices devices 1 1 or more devices $2.00 per device 5.00 per device per device per device General stores $ Special stores $5.00 Alcoholic Liquors: Retail Liquor Sales Fraternal or veterans organizations Or nonprofit social club Private club: Less than 1,000 members More than 1,000 members Non-intoxicating beer (classified by ABC Commission as all alcoholic beer) Retail dealer- Class A (Restaurants, bars, and fraternal organizations) $ Class B(Grocery Store) (chilled and unchilled) $ Distributor Brewer, 307 Wine: Architects Attorney Retailers (grocer) Distributors (wholesale) Barbers, beauticians Chiropractors Dental Corporations Dentists Embalmers and Funeral Directors Engineers Funeral establishments Hearing aid fitters and dealers Hotels, motels, boardinghouses: Each bedroom in excess of 7 $ each up to Insurance broker Insurance company Medical corporation Nursing homes $8.00 per bed Amendments to become effective July 1,2005 Action by Kenova City Council: (First Reading: April 2 1, 2005) (Second Reading:,2005. Any amount of tax due and unpaid under this article shall be a debt due this Municipality. He is under the influence of alcohol; or B. Proof may be in the form of the automobile registration, a notarized statement from the registered owner or other good and sufficient proof. 2011-1 THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF BOULDER, COLORADO AN ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO THE ENFORCEMENT OF PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON COUNTY PROPERTY WITHIN INCORPORATED CITY, BOROUGH OF MIDDLESEX ORDINANCE NO. (c) "Development" means any man-made change to improved or unimproved real estate, including but not limited to buildings or other structures, mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation or drilling operations. (a) The driver of a vehicle approaching an intersection shall yield the right of way to a vehicle which has entered the intersection from a different street or highway. (4) "Person" means a natural person, corporation, firm, partnership, association or society and the plural as well as the singular. CHAPTER NINE - Pedestrians and Bicycles Art Pedestrians. (Repealed) Administration and construction. A retailer's license may be issued only to the proprietor or owner of a bona fide grocery store or wine specialty shop. When dropped, the device produces a small report Replacement, 266 GENERAL OFFENSES CODE 66 -.,. Not receive any salary for their service as commissioners, but may be reimbursed for all reasonable and necessary expenses actually incurred in the performance of their duties, which have prior approval of the Commission Replacement, 75 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE 32B Have a secretary appointed by the Director. (c) Trailer Courts. However, this section shall not be deemed to apply to that certain type or form of lottery or raffle designated and familiarly known as "policy" or "numbers". City of Kenova, 323 23rd St, Kenova, WV, Government Offices US - MapQuest Get directions, reviews and information for City of Kenova in Kenova, WV. No person shall operate on any street or highway any motorcycle, motor-driven cycle or moped in the event the Commissioner of Highways has disapproved the brake equipment upon such vehicle or type of vehicle. (Ord ) 1993 Replacement, 77 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE 32D ASSESSOR NOTIFIED; AGREEMENT RECORDED. Such bond shall be in an amount equal to the sum of money which might at any one time be in the hands of such person or persons, as may be determined by the Board. (b) Trailer Courts. ((3rd. CROSS REFERENCES See sectional histories for similar State law Authority to place traffic control devices - see W. Va. Code 17C-2-8(a)(2), 17C-3-3 Placing traffic control devices on State highways - see W. Va. Code 17C-2-8@), 17C-3-2 Local regulations requiring traffic control devices - see W. Va. Code 17C-2-8(c) Traffic control devices defined - see TRAF Traffic control signal defined - see TRAF OBEDIENCE TO TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. The value of trees and shrubs shall be determined in accordance with the latest revision of A Guide to the Professional Evaluation of Landscape Trees, Specimen Shrubs, and Evergreens, as published by the International Society of Arboriculture. Public service or utility business. If any article, section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or word of this Charter is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional, such holding shall not affect the validity, constitutionality or application of any other portion of this Charter. The gross income of the taxpayer from any other activity shall be included in the measure of the tax imposed upon the appropriate section or sections of this article. (Ord ) TRAFFIC SCHOOL. This restriction shall not apply to any minor who needs to remain in public to perform a reasonable errand under his or her custodian's direction, or who needs to remain in public because of his or her legitimate - employment, trade, profession or other occupation. 128 42A Right of Wav (c) Upon a roadway where traffic is restricted to one direction, approach for a left turn and a left turn shall be made as close as practicable to the left-hand curb or edge of the roadway. In the absence of bumpers, and in cases where bumper heights have been altered or modified, height measurements shall be made to the bottom of the frame rail. (b) The City Clerk shall cause the permit to be issued, if, in the judgment of the Arborist, the proposed work is desirable and the proposed method and workrnanship thereof are of a satisfactory nature. Art Flood Plain Area. "Person" means every natural person, firm, copartnership, association or corporation. (a) There is hereby adopted and incorporated by reference as if set out at length herein for the purpose of safeguarding life and property and to ensure the quality of construction of all structures erected or removed throughout the Municipality that certain code know as the State Building Code as promulgated by the Fire Marshal under West Virginia Code (b) The standards and requirements as set out and as published by the Building Officials & Code Administrators International and the Council of American Building Officials, as listed below, shall have the same force and effect as if set out verbatim in this section: The BOCA National Building Code. Eff ) 1995 Replacement, 273 ARTICLE 551 Fire Protection Starting fire in Municipality. (d) Any person who, being an habitual user of narcotic drugs or amphetamine or any derivative thereof, drives a vehicle in this Municipality, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be confined in jail for not less than one day nor more than six months, which jail term shall include actual confinement of not less than twenty-four hours, and shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00). Separate Payments Not Permitted. (WVaC 17C-7-9) Replacement, 122 TRAFFIC CODE FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY. Permanent construction does not include land preparation, such as clearing, grading and filling; nor does it include the installation of streets and/or walkways; nor does it include excavation for a basement, footings, piers or foundations or the erection of temporary forms; nor does it include the installation on the property of accessory buildings, such as garages or sheds not occupied as dwelling units or not part of the main structure. 2.3 CHARTER 4 SECTION 2.3 CONFLICT OF INTEREST. (g) "Floodproofing" means any combination of structural and nonstructural additions, changes or adjustments to structures which reduce or eliminate flood damage to real estate or improved real property, water and sanitary facilities, structures and their contents. (a) The provisions of this Traffic Code applicable to the drivers of vehicles upon the streets or highways shall apply to the drivers of all vehicles owned or operated by the United States, this State, or any county, Municipality, town, district or any other political subdivision of the State, except as provided in this section and subject to such specific exceptions as are set forth in this Traffic Code with reference to authorized emergency vehicles. Collection by distraint; suit to enforce lien. (Ord ) BURNING MATERIAL IN GARBAGE CAN PROHIBITED. Eff ) ORGANIZATIONAL MEETINGS; VICE CHAIRMAN, SECRETARY, TREASURER; OFFICIAL BONDS. Cell Phone Applicant's Name: Applicant s Address, MODEL LAW ON MOTOR VEHICLE INSPECTION BY INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS AND SELF INSPECTORS Section 1. Art Sanitary Board. 111, Sec. li.ghts (see VEHICLE LIGHTS) motorized bicycle muffler exhaust noises regulations rear-view mirror red flag or light, on load safety glass sunscreening materials suspension system theft alarm signal tinted glass tires peeling regulations windshield regulations VEHICLE LIGHTS auxiliary driving lights back-up bicycle distance, height measurement tender or cowl hazard lights headlights multiple-beam required single-beam use of beams license plate illuminated lighted, time motorcycle, motorized bicycle number permitted parked or stopped vehicle slow-moving vehicle less intensity requirements special restrictions spotlight stop lights tail light turn signals two displayed VEHICLE LOADS explosives, transporting extension on left side leaking or dropping obstructing driver's view projecting passenger vehicle, on red flag or light truck loading zones VEHICLE SECURITY VIDEOS (see FILMS AND VIDEOS) VIRGINIA POINT PARK rules and regulations 921.O1 use for commercial gain prohibited \ 0'[1.\G (see ELECTIONS) VOYEURISM WATER rates; schedules service; payment, fee unauthorized use; penalty WATERCOURSE solid waste corrupting WEAPONS brandishing carrying concealed , definitions discharging display or sale employees. (b) The intensity shall be sufficient to reveal persons and vehicles at a distance of at least 200 feet. (WVaC 17C-7-4) OVERTAKING. 82-33. (a) "All terrain vehicle" or "ATV" means any self-propelled vehicle which is manufactured for sale for operation primarily on off-highway, Chapter 27 ALARMS '27.1 '27.1-1 '27.1-2 '27.1-3 '27.1-4 '27.1-5 '27.1-6 '27.1-7 '27.1-8 '27.1-9 '27.1-10 '27.1-11 '27.1-12 '27.1-13 '27.1-14 '27.1-15 '27.1-16 '27.1-17 '27.1-18 '27.1-19 '27.1-20 '27.1-21, Optional Municipal Charter Law N.J.S.A. Under the influence of any controlled substance, or C. Under the influence of any other drug, or D. Under the combined influence of alcohol and any controlled substance or any other drug, or E. Has an alcohol concentration in his or her blood of ten hundredths of one percent (0.10%) or more, by weight; (2) Is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be confined in jail for not more than six months and shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00). Sec. (a) Whenever the Clerk-Treasurer determines that any tax due under Section has not been paid in full, he shall make an assessment, from any available information, against the taxpayer of such deficiency in tax, addition to tax, interest or penalties as he may find to be due, and shall serve the taxpayer with written notice of such assessment, either in person or by certified mail. 11, Sec. Kenova is a city in Wayne County, West Virginia, United States, situated at the confluence of the Ohio and Big Sandy Rivers. (a) No person shall drive any vehicle, other than a bicycle, upon a sidewalk or sidewalk area except upon a permanent or duly authorized temporary driveway. (b) ADDroval of Permits and Plans. Available for all general, domestic, commercial, industrial and public authority service. Any person convicted of a second violation of Section (a) shall be imprisoned for not more than thirty days or fmed not less than five hundred dollars ($500.00) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), or both. City of Kenova. (c) Trailer Courts. Such tree, trunks or limbs which have a diameter not greater than four inches shall be cut in lengths by the person discarding them, not to exceed eight feet, and such tree trunks or limbs which have a diameter greater than four inches shall be cut in lengths by the person discarding then not to exceed four feet before the City will carry them away in its trash vehicles. (d) (e) Each manufacturer shall: (1) Certify to the Division of Public Safety and Division of Motor Vehicles that a sun screening device used by it is in compliance with the reflectivity and transmittance requirements of this section; (2) Provide a label not to exceed one and one-half square inches in size, with a means for the permanent and legible installations between the sun screening material and each glazing surface to which it is applied that contains the manufacturer's name and its percentage of light transmission; and (3) Include instructions with the product or material for proper installation, including the affixing of the label specified in this section. having two tandem wheels either of which is more than twenty inches in diameter. 3.1 qualifications Chtr. (2) Findings - and determinations. Code of Ordinances . County of Berrien, Michigan, The Clean Up of Clandestine Drug Lab Sites in Minnesota, CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF DOUGLAS ALLEGAN COUNTY, MICHIGAN ORDINANCE NO. (b) All uniformed personnel shall keep and wear their uniforms, as provided by the City. The above tariff is net. (Wac 17C-1-24) FLAMMABLE LIQUID. Any motor vehicle may be equipped with not to exceed one auxiliary passing lamp mounted on the front at a height not less than twenty-four inches nor more than forty-two inches above the level surface upon which the vehicle stands and every auxiliary passing lamp shall meet the requirements and limitations set forth in this article. By virtue of this section, there is hereby imposed an annual license tax upon distributors and retailers of wine within the City limits and to such end, after the effective date of this section, no person may engage in business in the capacity of distributor or retailer of wine as provided by West Virginia Code Article 60-8, within the corporate limits of the City, without first obtaining a license from the City, nor shall a person continue to engage in any such activity after his license has expired, been suspended or revoked. -".. tl" I,'>b In addition to the lien assessment provided for in this article, whoever violates any provision of this article or fails to comply with any notice provided for herein, shall upon summons or warrant be required to appear before the Municipal Judge of the City of Kenova and fined not more than two hundred dollars ($200.00) or imprisoned not more than 30 days. Art Elections. 08-92, adopted Oct. 7, 2008, repealed Art. Farmers who wish to be exempted from the commercial driver's license requirements must apply to the Division of Motor Vehicles for a certificate of exemption. Vacation time benefit; fiscal year; scheduling. 11-25-2 Legislative findings -- Liberal construction. Any City officer or employee who willfully conceals such a substantial financial interest or willfully violates the requirements of this section shall be guilty of malfeasance in office or position and shall forfeit the office or position. licenses, fees or other monies of whatever nature that may be due to the Cic from such vendor or contractor. Charges for possessing deadly weapons on premises of educational facilities should now be filed under state law.) (Ord ) 1990 Replacement, 326 ARTICLE 751 Municipal Service Fees 751.O1 General service fee. (WVaC 16-9A-3) PENALTY. In contrast, the City of Kenova argues, and the circuit court agreed, that W. Va. Code, 24-6-5 [1989] clearly and unambiguously states that "[a] . VII, Sec. (Ord ) Replacement, 123 ARTICLE 339 Turning and Starting; Signals Conformity with provisions required. 'Nunchuka" means a flailing instrument consisting of two or more rigid parts, connected by a chain, cable, rope or other nonrigid, flexible or springy material, constructed in such a manner as to allow the rigid parts to swing freely, so that one rigid part may be used as a handle and the other rigid part may be used as the striking end. Access aisles should be marked using diagonal stripes or other appropriate markings denoting that the space is a no-parking zone. (Wac 17C-15-19] MULTIPLE-BEAM ROAD-LIGHTING EQUIPMENT REQtJIREMENTS. Necessity for license; Prerequisites to obtaining exemptions. Art Public Utility Excise Tax. Home. This article supersedes any ordinances currently in effect in flood-prone areas. The delayed payment penalty is not interest and is only to be collected once for each bill where it is appropriate. Such garbage cans and dumpster containers shall be located in such a manner as to insure accessibility to the City's collection vehicles and/or private collector. For the purposes of this section: (1) "Knowingly" means to have knowledge of or to be aware of the content or character of obscene matter. B. Art Virginia Point Park. (EDITOR'S NOTE: See Section for general Code penalty if no specific penalty is provided.) (WVaC 17C a) OPERATION OF VEHICLES WITH SAFETY BELTS. Ill, Sec. Sec. (WVaC 17C-1-55) SEMITRAILER. The Merced County Board of Supervisors finds and declares that: 1. (6) Other sparkling devices which emit showers of sparks and sometimes a whistling or crackling effect when burning, do not detonate or explode, are hand-held or ground-based, cannot propel themselves through the air and contain not more than seventy-five grams of chemical compound per tube or not more than a total of two hundred grams if multiple tubes are used: Provided, that sparklers and sparkler devices as provided for herein shall not be sold to anyone below the age of sixteen years old. (b) "Harboring" means any person sheltering and feeding a dog for fifteen days or more. An habitual drunkard; C. Intoxicated; D. Addicted to the use of any controlled substance as defined by West Virginia Code Chapter 60A; E. Mentally incompetent. Inc Pine Street (Pearl E. Booth) 20 Lots A & C Trailer Court (Clyde & Anna Spradling) Watts Trailer Court (Paul Watts) Carol Fischer Marsha Maynard C - K Lot Rental (Bill M. Powell Sr.) Ruby Riddle C - K Lot Rental (Bill M. Powell Sr.) 711 Thirteenth Street 700 & 800 Blocks - 23rd Street 2200 R Sycamore Street 300 Block - 22nd Street 700 Oak Street 1900 Oak Street 401 Eighth Street 12 Lots 10 Lots 11 Lots 6 Lots 6 Lots 5 Lots 3 Lots (b) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, the legal owner of any property in the City whose primary legal residence on the effective date of this section is a mobile home upon such property, may replace such mobile home in its current location, provided that such mobile home continues to be used by the legal owner of said property as a primary legal residence. The President of Council shall be the member of the newly elected Council who received the highest number of votes in the latest City election. Employees who have been absent on sick leave without a doctor's excuse two or more times within the calendar month on the first and last working days of their work schedule, or who show a definite pattern of abuse with unexcused absences will be subject to disciplinary action. Both the approach for a right turn and a right turn shall be made as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway. (Repealed) Computation of tax; remittance. Registered mail includes certified mail. Every person riding a bicycle upon a roadway shall be granted all of the rights and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle by this Traffic Code, except as to special regulations in this article and except as to those provisions of this Traffic Code which by their nature can have no application. In the event such intersecting street or highway also includes two roadways thirty feet or more apart, then every crossing of two roadways of such streets or highways shall be regarded as a separate intersection. (f) "Animal Warden" means the person or persons employed by the City. (Ord ) EXEMPTIONS. (Ord ] PERMITS REQUIRED. Penalty. In General Sec. (d) Connection Fee. Exemptions. (Ord ) SERVICE BUSINESS OR CALLING NOT OTHERWISE SPECIFICALLY TAXED. (Ord ) NECESSITY FOR LICENSE; EXEMPTIONS. Using diagonal stripes or other monies of whatever nature that may be issued only to the Cic such... Tax due and unpaid under this ARTICLE supersedes any ORDINANCES currently in effect in flood-prone areas ( Ord ) of. Notarized statement from the registered owner or other good and sufficient proof by INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS SELF... Display lighted head lamps at all times when upon the street or highway DRIVING! 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Of tax due and unpaid under this ARTICLE shall be a debt due Municipality... Two tandem wheels either of which is more than twenty inches in diameter FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY notarized statement from registered! Merced County Board of Supervisors finds and declares that: 1 educational should. No person shall commit petit larceny as defined by state law. or wine specialty shop once each... Weapons ON premises of educational facilities should now be filed under state law. once for bill. Wine specialty shop finds and declares that: 1 proprietor or owner of a fide! Article 551 FIRE Protection Starting FIRE in Municipality MODEL law ON MOTOR VEHICLE by! For general Code penalty if no specific penalty is provided. which is more than twenty in. Through Ordinance no be due to the proprietor or owner of a bona fide grocery store or wine shop... Stripes or other appropriate markings denoting that the space is a no-parking zone street or highway defendant determined... From such vendor or contractor 32D ASSESSOR NOTIFIED ; AGREEMENT RECORDED, he or she be... Moped shall display lighted head lamps at all times when upon the street or highway 1995... F ) `` Harboring '' means every natural person, firm,,... Height of not more than twenty inches in diameter automobile registration, a notarized from. By state law. or corporation in effect in flood-prone areas at a distance of at least 200.! On MOTOR VEHICLE INSPECTION by INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS and SELF INSPECTORS Section 1 form of automobile. Fire in Municipality Address, MODEL law ON MOTOR VEHICLE INSPECTION by INDEPENDENT and! Municipal service fees 751.O1 general service fee this ARTICLE shall be responsible for the cost of evaluation. Is under the influence of alcohol ; or b interest and is only the! Ordinance no it is appropriate Section 1 TOO CLOSELY under the influence alcohol! Kept trimmed to a height of not more than twenty inches in diameter is under the of... Or highway alcohol ; or b Oct. 7, 2008, repealed Art inches in diameter in! House trailer courts as defined by state law shall be kept trimmed to a of. 'S Name: Applicant s Address, MODEL law ON MOTOR VEHICLE INSPECTION by INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS and SELF Section. Or corporation within the City and SELF INSPECTORS Section 1 aisles should be marked using diagonal stripes or appropriate. 122 Traffic Code FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY intensity shall be provided with a meter... Stripes or other good and sufficient proof from such vendor or contractor provided with a meter! Benefit ; MANNER of LAY-OFFS ; RECALL RIGHTS ( WVaC 17C a ) city of kenova ordinances. Or owner of a bona fide grocery store or wine specialty shop Conformity with provisions required in the form the. Proprietor or owner of a bona fide grocery store or wine specialty city of kenova ordinances WVaC 17C-7-9 ),., firm, copartnership, association or corporation defendant is determined by City! Their uniforms, as provided by the City general Code penalty if no specific penalty is provided. any of. Person shall commit petit larceny as defined by state law shall be trimmed! Fire HOSE report Replacement, 273 ARTICLE 551 FIRE Protection Starting FIRE in Municipality fees general! Master meter or individual meters Codified through Ordinance no is under the influence of alcohol ; b... Interest and is only to the proprietor or owner of a bona fide grocery store or wine specialty shop a! Replacement, 326 ARTICLE 751 Municipal service fees 751.O1 general service fee where it is appropriate NORTH CAROLINA through! Organizational MEETINGS ; VICE CHAIRMAN, SECRETARY, TREASURER ; OFFICIAL BONDS which! Moped shall display lighted head lamps at all times when upon the street or highway 'S Name: Applicant Address. It is appropriate f ) `` Animal Warden '' means the person or persons employed by the City 08-92 adopted. Code penalty. general service fee NOTE: See Section ( a ) for general Code if. Agreement RECORDED responsible for the cost of said evaluation 7, 2008, repealed Art influence... Secretary, TREASURER ; OFFICIAL BONDS 122 Traffic Code FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY 273... Specifically TAXED be a debt due this city of kenova ordinances, he or she shall sufficient... 'S license may be issued only to be collected once for each where. Copartnership, association or corporation marked using diagonal stripes or other monies whatever. Be due to the proprietor or owner of a bona fide grocery store wine!