There are a fair number of encounters that dont even come close to matching up to WotCs own encounter balance rules! If freed, he stumbles down the darkened corridors, babbling madly before fading from being. Its tough, its scary, its theDeath House! Echoing what others have said - "Death House Sub-dungeon 1.25in Scale.pdf" only has the section of the dungeon with water (rooms 35-38). He wandered into Death House, and was trapped in the conservatory when the house shut the door behind him. 3. fIf you would like to encourage the PCs to view Death House more favorably upon their initial. He has the statistics of a restrained commoner with 1 hit point remaining and is bound by chains. Should the players ask her what she did to Walter, she invites them to descend further into the basement and see for themselves.. Death House Adventure Not quite ghosts, yet not quite illusions, the Dursts are representative of the emotional carnage of the manor. Monstrous. Their rituals failed, but that only made the cultists more desperate. Death House has animated the stuffed wolves in the den and flooded the room with blinding smoke. All of which is great for a romp in a haunted house. They encounter him on the road to Vallaki where he welcomes them to Barovia, charms some of them and bites them. If the PCs make the requested sacrifice, the cult chants victoriously, and summons Walter anyway. A search of the room evidences no indication of any other creature. 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He is the Land, echoes again in the dungeon. PCs that have been resurrected this way gain the. Our ever-adventurous eight (the original "Fab-5", Ireena, Ismark and "Flaps") have found themselves in the lower dungeon of what the locals call "Death House", where our party has just splashed under the portcullis and entered the Ritual . Monstrous. If a PC plays the Song of Elizabeth found on the desk in the library on the harpsichord in this chamber, the conservatory fills with ghosts that dance about the room to the tune of the melody. We are immortal"; and "Help us live forever.". If the characters linger here, five cultists (shadows) arrive in 2 rounds and descend upon the man if he yet remains. If the characters make the sacrifice, the cultists fade away, but their tireless chant of He is the Ancient. Sure its a slow creature, but just one of their attacks is enough to demolish a 2nd-level character. A link for theDeath House adventure was shown in Februarys issue of Dragon+, and looks like it could be a great start to a lengthy D&D Ravenloft campaign. However, they also ran a terrifying cult whose purpose was to summon extraplanar entities to Barovia. Curse of Strahd - Death House w/ Fog of War. The party has just finishedDeath House. A PC hears rats scrabbling up and down the spaces between the walls. [2] It acts as an adaptation of the original Ravenloft module for the 5th edition of Dungeons & Dragons. Eventually, theyre able to piece everything together and make their own assumptions as to what the Drust familys secret is, what happened to the cult, and what happened to the poor Rose and Thorn. Destroyed furnishings are likewise repaired. Yet it was a coincidence. He left them alone until they accidentally tortured and killed adventurers he brought into his domain as guests playthings. Strahd or another NPC could also offer a way to "rescue" the familiar's "soul" being trapped by the dark power. Thorn and Walter, I wish I could be there for you. . while we played. This is hours of work. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Chanting can be heard coming from the west. It took me a while to have time to circle back around to this, but it's up now. In fact, Strahd hated this obsessive cult. While it makes sense for him to have obtained scrolls, he wouldn't be able to use one himself. There arent many fights in this portion and everything is well-balanced. The storytelling carries this adventure so hard. These products were created by scanning an original printed edition. Why Arent There More Bonus Action Cantrips? You've got to get from location 38 to location 32 in the basement (assuming you even know location 32 exists). Their dark murmurs worry me, and though I know that a shadow ought not fear a blacker night, I cannot but fear for the extent of their plotting. If Rendar the barbarian uses his +8 Athletics to leap a chasm, he cannot use Athletics again to lift a boulder later in the challenge; he must find a different solution with a different skill. /u/MandyMod, Fleshing out Curse of Strahd, Part 2: Entering Barovia and Streamlining Death House. Essentially, the Gustav and Elisabeth Durst were two prominent figures in Barovia. If Thorn is asked about his uncle, he shrinks in on himself and falls silent, Rose hugging him while glaring daggers at the PC responsible. Until then, there is an article on the D&D Adventurers League Organizers website that talks about running an AL Death House game, see the link below. Since I have a lot of older players in my group who have been playing from the AD&D days, they demanded that we not use any virtual tablet. Characters who search the walls for secret doors or otherwise inspect the paneling can, with a. His wife is Anna Krezkova. arrival, allow a thunderstorm to erupt as the characters are making their way down the Svalich. Its so wordy! Munson, a senior at-" Eddie drops the remote, sheet white, and turns to look at Steve. If the PCs take his hand and accept Norganus dark gift, they awaken in the tall grass in front of the house. Fixed now. Leader: Thuranni, Regalport (Lhazaar Principalities) These battlemaps can be used in a different context than the Curse of Strahd campaign! I believe making them hate Strahd is crucial (preferably early on) to motivate the PCs. Then I wouldn't change a thing. It sickens me to think what weve put you through. For example, the party entered a room and saw an engraving on the wall of a beautiful forest. In the published adventure all the items are worthless and stored in thirteen niches along the walls. I much prefer you as you are. Thoughts. D&D is a combat game first and foremost. Hidden Spiked Pit The ghostly chanting heard throughout the dungeon gets discernibly louder as one heads west along this tunnel. At night, the character can spend 1 hit die to move through solid objects as though they were difficult terrain. The cult was using these "relics" during their rituals. He is the Land, echoes again in the dungeon. Before the curse of Strahd befell the land, the Morninglord watched over the Barovian people from . Thanks to Roll 20s map pack I circumvented the need to prep the maps and creatures for this adventure (and the rest of the campaign). Agreed. So I'm not sure how this idea could work mechanically. Rose and Thorn say that they wont go back in the house until they know the monster is gone. One must die!, An old, abandoned town house located outside the, Go to Curse of Strahd-Prepare To Die Edition Homepage. must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw. Agende sua carga [], Mike Schley Death House Map In hindsight, theyd probably choose the level 3 start. One of the most egregious examples for me was the final section The Cult is Denied. The cult was ecstatic thinking that their rituals worked. The linked article contains spoilers for that adventure, so don't read it if you may be a player of the adventure. Any character looking inside the dollhouse while in Rose and Thorns room can see the appropriately-placed dolls of all living creatures within the manor. I even did some Kobold Fight Club calculations to double-check it and everything came up good mathematically. They offer the PC's to stay in their room if they are worn out. For the uninitiated, this is an optional mini-adventure designed to advance new characters to 3rd level. As Mad Mary lost herself to grief, Lancelot left his house in order to search for Getruda. Speaking of Rose and Thorns room, theres a map in there that will clue the party in on the various secrets hidden throughout the house. Set in the Ravenloft campaign setting, the module revolves around the vampire Strahd von Zarovich and the Demiplane of Dread that serves as his prison. The balcony has grown into a cliff that drops to a thousand feet below (an eerily accurate representation of the Tser Falls of Barovia). At your discretion, this can serve as an obstacle. The suits of armor have been animated by Death House but are not true suits of animated armor. Bits and pieces of lore are thrown at the party in every room and encounter. While the encounters might make your party hesitant to explore the house, all these secrets may give them a reason to continue exploring. The only issue the group had was with the specter. You say that you are cursed, your fortunes spent. There's a CoS campaign on Youtube with Matt Mercer as Strahd during the dinner. While I did my original read-through in the book, I used the handouts provided in the Roll 20 version (thanks again!) Curse of Strahd. On 5 failures, the slowest two adventurers are trapped while their companions make it to safety. Upon emerging from the house, the characters advance to 3rd level. First post! Death House isnt the first free adventure for 5th edition that has been shared by WotC, but it is much longer than the other ones. Death House has put all its remaining energy to afflict its prey with a powerful phantasmal force spell (no saving throws required). The chanting heard throughout the dungeon originates here, yet when the characters arrive, the dungeon falls silent as the chanting mysteriously stops. 2023 Wizards. The adventure has an estimated playtime of 12 to 16 hours, starting at level 1, and then characters will gain levels through milestone advancement. A PC hears footsteps descending from the attic and stopping outside of their door before moving away to the library. [], Haunted One Background The formatting is quite rough, but the largest flaw is by far the encounter balance. I then "printed" them to PDF using a piece of software (free) called PosteRazor ( Yet, its not the story itself thats the ingenious part. Their parents told them stories about a monster in the basement to keep the children from going down to the dungeon level. I printed mine on normal printer paper and glued them to foam board with spray adhesive. Tool checks can be in lieu of skills if a character is proficient in them. All of the interlinking handouts and monster sheets made this a breeze to run despite it being an annoying read-through. Mike Schley (the map maker) has them as pdfs for free on his website. If the Animated Armor is thrown down to the first floor and the PCs do not reveal their presence atop the balcony, it is unable to observe them with its sixty feet of blindsight, and is too stupid to think to climb back up. The tunnels are 4 feet wide by 7 feet high with timber braces at 5-foot intervals. Theres texteverywhere making it a dense read. Elves have carried the Mark of Shadow for thousands of years. Bathroom This dark room contains a wooden tub with clawed feet, a small iron stove with a kettle resting atop it, and a barrel under a spigot in the east wall. . Sorry, I don't come by here all that often anymore. Cookie Notice Note that only the doorways to Areas 12 and 15 have the scythes mentioned in the module. Keep Rose and Thorn safe, and dear Walter close to your breast. If the characters leave the dais without making the sacrifice, the cultists chant changes: This chant rouses the Flesh Mound and prompts it to attack. I like the idea of a short rest giving back to every class/subclass some of its currency (spell slots, ki points, superior dice, channel divinity, bardic inspiration, etc.) It can move through tunnels without squeezing and completely fills its space. First-edition works of poetry and fiction. The house has been burned to the ground many times, only to rise from the ashes time and again-by its own will or that of Strahd Von Zarovich. So, like a skill, it can only be used once by that character, and isn't an automatic success: have the spellcaster make an ability check with their spellcasting ability modifier, adding their proficiency bonus, and comparing it against the DC of whatever obstacle they're facing. A PC that fails here loses time struggling against the spider. It was a tough fight, but tactical combat made the on paper fight scarier than the real thing. The filenames are: Confirmed, it only has the section of the sub-dungeon with the pool and shambling mound. Other characters, however, can still use Athletics for obstacles. Publishing!! The only iffy fight on the first floor of the basement was against the ghast versions of Gustav and Elisabet, but the party set up a solid chokepoint to deal with them. [], Keep in mind, I probably wrote this really late and I now want to change everything unless you like it. They began sacrificing and torturing visitors of the village in hopes that they would attract a demon or another otherworldly figure. It is titled Song for Elizabeth., A handwritten, partially burnt note sits beside it; it reads Bulwartons words can open the way., (The red-covered fake book that opens the secret door is titled An Architects Art, and is written by Archibald Bulwarton.). Tweak the final encounter The final confrontation in Death House is an odd one. Endings Compendium - Sources->Curse of Strahd It does not have the upper section of the dungeon (rooms 22-34). The ANIMATED BROOM OF ATTACK begins banging on the closet door (room 14) and joins combat on the beginning of the. Not a big deal, but it wouldve been a nice addition. Margaret does her best, but other clouds yet trouble my dreams. A wooden bucket hangs from a rope-and-pulley mechanism bolted to the, 11. This meant that the party missed a good chunk of the story, but they got the majority of it so they still pieced most of it together. No need, I have arrived (several months late, and with my head held in supplication). If you enjoyed what you read be sure to check out my ongoing review for all of the official D&D 5e books! In the reliquary of the Death House adventure the PCs find a collection of unpleasant items. The chains dangling from the ceiling are 8 feet long; the cultists would shackle prisoners to the chains, dangle them above the altar, cut them open with knives, and allow the altar to be bathed in blood. Privacy Policy. However, on closer inspection they noticed bodies hanging from the trees. Thats not a bad thing, mind you. There are three ways to run the encounter with the nursemaid, each varying with her emotional and spiritual state: Hostile, Alien, and Friendly. Oer the past several congregations, I have become suspicious of the ambitions of the others. A player might requestscream out, evenfor the chance to stop a character from falling into the pit. They regarded Strahd von Zarovich as a god, but he dismissed them and later destroyed them when they killed a party of adventurers, but the house lived on, luring people toward it. The pit is 10-feet deep. I think not. Death House is also the Launch Event game for stores starting Friday, March 4th. It hurts me to say that your mother has turned into one such monster, inside and out. thanks and awesome. It is asleep but awakens if attacked or if the characters summon the cultists but refuse to complete their ritual (see One Must Die! below). avoid detection. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. These traits remain until the character receives a remove curse spell. The suite is as cold and unforgiving as their marriage; while Gustav paces the room, Elisabeth fumes in mute disdain at her vanity. The 1.25" grid is, I have found, a better scale with modern miniatures and tends to make the map feel more believable and less crowded. We're so beautiful"; "Nothing can hurt us"; "We are perfect. Alternative to Death House Pt 2. Although they appear to be flesh-and-blood children, Rose and Thorn are actually illusions created by the house to lure the characters inside. The original maps can be downloaded for free from Mike Schley's website. You are but worms writhing in my earth. I will be running this on Friday.. If they decide to keep it, as they likely will, then Strahd can use it as a focus for scrying. Items taken from the house arent replaced, nor are undead that are destroyed. He tells that PC privately to remember that it was him who bought them back when their supposed friends turned their back on them Again I don't know who came up with this. It allows you to print an image across multiple sheets of paper. Dimitri and Anna are old, and are unlikely to have any more children, which brings great strain to Dimitri as it will be the end of his line. All the food in the pantry appears fresh but is extremely bland. The adventure has an estimated playtime of 12 to 16 hours, starting at level 1, and then characters will gain levels through milestone advancement. A character can use an action to turn the wheel, raising or lowering the nearby portcullis (see area 37). If anything happens, you are to be steward of our parents house, and caretaker of my children. Until then, flaw: Im scared of everything, including my own shadow, and weep with despair when things dont go my way. A character possessed by the ghost of Rose or Thorn wont willingly leave, neglected by their parents and locked in this room until they starved to, the sacrifice, the cultists fade away, but their tireless chant of He is the Ancient. You could practically run it as-is just by changing the references to Barovian names and locations to ones that match your setting. Not allowing Milestone advancement has been an issue, because all of the published adventures include milestone advancement. But it wouldn't be true. My players are approaching the sacrificial room, and beyond one of their characters, they have nothing to potentially sacrifice. Theyre colorful, but use a pallet that emphasizes the dreary, abandoned building that was once the Durst familys home. While Curse of Strahd is exceedingly open-ended, Death House can herd your adventurers along, much to their frustration, magnetically pulling them in directions they don't really want to go.-Honestly, there's no reason to actually explore the dungeon. North Cabinet: a small box containing a deck of playing cards and an assortment of wine glasses. Their best bet is the local tavern. And to escape, the party must make it through those scythes. One must die! The video should loop seamlessly. It should be there now. I have not come to lead you on a path to immortality. The dollhouse contains small dolls that depict tiny, twisted molds of any characters and creatures currently visible in the house. At this point, she bears only a vague resemblance to her own portrait. Echoes again in the den and flooded the room with blinding smoke did some Kobold fight Club calculations double-check... Evidences no indication of any other creature deal, but their tireless chant of is... 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